Archivematica 1.4.0 릴리즈

edited June 2015 in Archivematica
5월 27일 Archivematica 1.4버전과 스토리지서비스 0.7.0 이 공개되었습니다.
DSpace, CONTENTdm, Islandora 등 접근시스템과의 연계가 개선되었고 파일포맷식별 툴로 지그프리드(Siegfried)가 추가되었습니다.
또한 스토리지서비스를 통해 AIP 정보(bag-info.txt)를 복구할 수 있게 되었습니다.
기타 버그픽스와 기능개선이 이루어졌습니다.

아래는 Archivematica 개발자포럼의 버전 릴리즈 소개글입니다.

Greetings Archivematica community,

We are pleased to announce the release of Archivematica 1.4.0 and Storage Service 0.7.0! This version includes a number of bug fixes, new and updated tools and several new features. Full release notes are available here. Here are some highlights:

CONTENTdm integration:

Archivematica 1.4.0 introduces a new workflow for use with CONTENTdm. Rather than connecting to the CONTENTdm server as was the case in previous versions, Archivematica uses its METS file to create a tab-delimited file appropriate for use with the CONTENTdm Project Client.  The tab-delimited files will include the File and AIP UUIDs and works for either simple or compound object workflows. The operator retrieves the DIP objects, including the tab file, from the Archivematica server and continues the workflow in Project Client.

The new workflow is appropriate for use in any hosted or non-hosted Archivematica and CONTENTdm environment because there is no need for the two servers to communicate. Direct upload to CONTENTdm from Archivematica has been removed in this version.

DSpace integration:

The treatment of DSpace ingests is enhanced in this version, including capture of parent-child relationships from the DSpace repository and improvements to the way licence and OCR files are identified in the METS file.

Siegfried file identification tool:

We’re pleased to include Format Policy Registry (FPR) rules for using Siegfried version 1.0.0.  Siegfried is an open-source, PRONOM-based file identification tool written by Richard Lehane.   We would like to encourage testing at this point - please feel free to report your results in the user forum and share your experience with the community.

Islandora/Archidora plugin:

The updated Storage Service incorporates the use of FEDORA via SWORD2 as an Access Protocol, which allows the use of the Archidora plugin, in Islandora, to ingest materials uploaded to Islandora through Archivematica. This is considered to be a beta feature at this time - testing, documentation and sharing experiences through the user forum are strongly encouraged! The Archidora plugin was developed by DiscoveryGarden and is available through Github. Further information about the Archidora plugin can be found in the Islandora documentation.

AIP recovery:

New functionality has been added to the Storage Service to facilitate AIP recovery, from a backed up copy, for example. The recovered AIP is copied into a dedicated directory which is accessible from the Storage Service; recovery is then requested via the Storage Service’s REST interface.

Bag-info.txt file indexing:

This version introduces a new feature which indexes and makes searchable the tags and contents of the bag-info.txt file when bags are ingested. The contents of bag-info.txt are added to the METS file, making it possible to search the contents of file from the Archival Storage tab once the material has been processed.

A couple of notes about installing this release:

  • This is the first Archivematica release to be fully tested on both Ubuntu 14.04 and 12.04.  

  • This is considered an optional release/upgrade. Although many users will want to take advantage of bug fixes and new functionality, Archivematica 1.3.2. is still supported.

  • This is the first Archivematica release to have separate packages available on Launchpad for installation. The previous packages will install Archivematica 1.3.2; use ppa:archivematica/1.4 to install version 1.4.

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